Click on the "Freedom Through Forgiveness PDF" link below for you FREE Christian Drama Queen Assessment and Video link.

From Discarded to Redeemed: The Chronicles of a Christian Drama Queen

The hardest part of building a website to share my journey, my thoughts and ideas, my story if you figuring out exactly WHAT to say in this little text box.
Why should you read any further?

Well, as a born-again believer in Jesus, author, speaker, singer and victim of abuse, I can promise you that I know what it's like to think like a lover of Jesus but live like a HOT MESS, battling demons of addiction, poor self esteem and more, on a daily basis. Be it rage, fear, abandonment, self-loathing or just belief in the LIE that God can not love me, I've walked those streets and wasted years spewing my anger and resentment at the people around me. YES, even at God! But as a forgiven and redeemed "Discarded Daughter," I now share God's goodness and promises with my sisters, who NEED to walk in freedom...from guilt, bitterness, ingratitude and pain. It's all in God's Word. Let's look together, shall we?

Disclaimer: Lisa Schafer is not a licensed counselor. This blog, website and any publications provided via this website are intended to be used as coaching tools utilizing the Holy Bible to offer comfort, encouragement and peace. Please seek professional counseling or medical/psychiatric care if you are experiencing thoughts of suicide, self-abuse or similar issues.

Granny knows some stuff, too! Just a few of the life skills I've acquired in my almost six decades include:

  • navigating infertility and adoption - and the unmentionable baggage that comes with this beautiful blessing

  • owning not one, but three home-based businesses and YES, working from home

  • home-educating my kids for 25 years

  • being a certified caregiver since 1985

  • managing money, home life, time

  • parenting prodigals (book in the works)

    So let's hang out a bit and see what grows! we are!
A few years ago, I felt the pressing need to share my story. But as a former radio announcer with three adopted children, four grandchildren, who'd been through infertility, childhood abuse and addiction, and with 25 years of homeschooling under my belt,...where should I start?

And then God answered my prayer. "Lord," I asked, "What do you want me to share? Where do I start?" And He replied, "Where have you felt the most pain, and consequently, experienced the most healing, freedom and redemption because of Me?"

And here we are, walking the path of freedom from bitterness, self-loathing and addiction...together.

From Victim to Forgiveness: A Tale of Redemption and Peace

DISCARDED: A daughter's journey to reclaim freedom and forgive the father who left her behind, is a twelve lesson study. I say, "twelve lesson" because the idea of grappling with feelings of abandonment, rage, self-loathing and being unprotected are not concepts that can be deeply dug into on a weekly basis. If fact, I built an undated monthly planner that functions as a guide through these concepts, with memory verses to keep you on track. It has memory verses for each week, scheduling daily activities, meal planning, and note-taking pages. The last lesson is a study of the life of Joseph in Genesis. Aside from Christ, if anyone knows what it's like to feel abandoned, that guy did.

After I wrote the Discarded Bible Study, several women requested a study that focused on the chapter "unprotected." So that's what brought about The Christian Victim's Guide to Forgiving the Unforgivable, also available on Amazon.

Both the study and the planner are available from Amazon or directly from me. Just go to the contact page and send a request for either/both. Or use my email @

Are YOU a Christian Drama Queen?

Are you desperate for security?

Have you found yourself looking for love and security in all the wrong places, sacrificing self-respect and morality to get it?

Do you blame God for your past abuse or neglect?

Are you angry at God for allowing your suffering and refuse to give Him your entire heart because of it? Do you doubt He loves you? Wants you? DIED to same you? Do you constantly ask Him, "Why?"

Were you abused, abandoned or neglected as a child?

Have the men in your life continually let you down? Abused you? Taken advantage of you? Do you believe you are unwanted because of your victimized past? Do you carry guilt that isn't really YOURS to carry?

Have you decided you will NEVER forgive your abuser?

Do you struggle with rage or addiction? Harming yourself or others physically or emotionally? Have you decided in your heart of hearts that your abandonment gives you the right to be angry...stay angry? Have you ever said to yourself, "I WILL NEVER FORGIVE HIM/THEM?"

My blog

I can talk up a blue-streak, man! But I've never been much of a blog person. I am probably more of a vlogger than blogger. You can find me on YouTube @ChristianDramaQueen where there is PROOF than I'm not afraid of the camera. However, people following me say I need a blog. So I'll be sharing here as much as possible what's going on in my not-so-hum-drum existence.

Don't be surprised if some of my entries are simply assignments for the reader. I like engaging with my followers on a personal level, so I may give you some exercises that will force you to be more real...even with yourself.

Speaking Engagements

I'm available for singing or speaking, teaching or sharing. If you're interested in having me host a women's event in your area, or would just like for me to come speak at your event, contact me via email at or call 620.480.0807 and we can discuss that.

Chronicles of the Christian Drama Queen Podcast

This was my guest spot on the Trailblazers Faith and Family Podcast.